Job Creation

Platform project association

You can associate your estimates with additional master data, such as project data from the Project details page in Platform. Associating Platform projects lets you organize estimates directly from Platform’s Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS). Your location assignment in the OBS determines the access you inherit and the visibility you have to other areas of the OBS.

Extracting Platform project master data directly into Estimate promotes data consistency and helps ensure that the data is being pulled from a single source of truth.

Platform project specific master data can be maintained in one place, then it can flow directly into Estimate in the Cloud. Certain project data such as location and forecast start and finish dates are now maintained in Platform which helps to enforce data consistency and reduce duplicate entries.

The fields that are located in Setup > Job Properties > Overview that are maintained in Platform and integrate into Estimate consist of: Project ID, Organization, and Notes. The fields on the Estimate Cover Sheet tab include Location, State, City, Country, and Latitude and Longitude, Forecast Start and Finish, and Duration.

The Project ID field in Estimate is a hyperlink field that takes you directly to the project Details page in Platform.

When modifications are made to any of the integrated fields in Platform, then saved, the changes automatically show in Estimate. For example, if you need to change the name of the project in Platform to show the year 2023 instead of 2020, this change is reflected in the in the Job Properties > Project Name field form in Estimate.

Job Register Management

An advantage to associating Estimate with Platform project data is the capacity to manage multiple versions of Estimates from one source project.

For example, if you have multiple addendums issued for the same project, you can maintain a version of the estimate for each addendum you’ve received.

Grouping estimates together using a common project means there is no need to structure and enforce a job coding schema in Estimate on the Job Code, or use tag fields or user defined fields to identify and manage different versions of a project in the Job register.

Job register grouped by Platform project

Grouping by organization lets you see projects batched in an organizational breakdown level, and lets you see a listing of projects in an organizational breakdown format and projects derived in Platform.

OBS filter tree

You can use the organization tree filter to see where estimates exist in the OBS.

When the Organization Tree Filter is enabled, you can see the jobs that are associated with an organization tree node in the new OBS filter tree. This helps you locate and organize estimates to more quickly inside of an organization hierarchy.

If you group by Project ID, and then select a node in the organization, you can see all the projects and their associated estimates belonging to that part of the organization. For example, there are three estimates associated with project 4985362 and one estimate associated with projects 4992404, 5013592 and 5013787. This view shows you the relationship between all the project and estimate associations.

Step by Step — Create a New Job

  1. From the InEight Estimate Backstage view, under the Create a new Job from… section, select Scratch, or select New > Scratch from the left sidebar menu.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description generated with very high confidence

  2. On the New Job dialog, select a Core Project from the drop-down.

  3. Modify the Code field.

  4. Type in a description of the job in the Description field.

  5. Determine if you want to check the "Auto-Update Job in Connected Analytics" box.

  6. Click OK to create the new project.